Find out more about Leonardtown, Maryland!

Leonardtown Community Information

Leonardtown is in the Third Election District of St. Mary's County. The town is centrally located in the county and lies at the head of Breton Bay. MD Rt. 5 is the major highway, running east to west, and MD Rt. 245 runs north to intersect with MD Rt. 235. Current Weather for Leonardtown, Md. - Click here for detailed weather info
The population of Leonardtown is 2,930 according to the 2010 census. Housing is generally single family in small scattered developments with a few townhouses and apartments. Leonardtown's central location in St. Mary's County, distinction as county seat, central utilities, and offer of future job opportunities, is insuring better than average development.

41660 Courthouse Drive, P.O. Box 1, Leonardtown, MD 20650 · 301-475-9791 · FAX: 301-475-5350
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